Cancellation Policy


We would like to politely remind you of our Cancellation and Non-Attendance Policy. Our professional team have set time aside for your care and a fee will therefore be charged upon non-attendance or cancellations with less than the required notice given.

Cancellation of an appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice will mean that we are unable to re-allocate the time to other patients. Running an efficient appointment system whereby patients give us the correct notice if they are unable to attend an appointment means we minimise wasted treatment time and are able to keep waiting lists down.

Cancellations made with less than 24 hours’ notice will be subject to the following cancellation policy:

  1. In the first instance of a late cancellation or non-attendance a charge of 50% of the appointment fee will be added to your account. Whilst this charge will not fully cover the cost of the lost treatment time it will enable us to pay our team and to partly cover our overheads, which helps us to prevent raising our prices.
  2. In the second instance of a late cancellation or non-attendance we reserve the right to charge the full cost of the appointment fee. Further appointments will then only be bookable after settlement of your account and full payment made in advance for all future appointments.

If you pay in advance via the website, the payments are handled by an external company called STRIPE. If you cancel with adequate notice, you will not be refunded the full amount as Stripe charge a handling fee of approximately 2%, which will be passed on to you as the customer.

Late cancellation and non-attendance fees are the sole responsibility of the patient and must be paid in full, ensuring their account is cleared before their next appointment.

If your treatment is being covered by your insurance company, they will not cover cancellation and non-attendance fees. These fees will be the responsibility of the patient.

When late cancellation and non-attendance fees occur, you will receive an invoice outlining the fee and the date the fee needs to be paid by.

Clients who cancel late or have non-attendance two or more times in a 12-month period may be denied any future appointments.

We may also ask you for a deposit at the time of booking appointments which will then be deducted from the cost of your appointment or treatment.

48 hours’ notice must be given for Domiciliary Visits, Mummy MOT and Men’s and Women’s Health Assessments.