MAPLe™ for pelvic floor rehabilitation

A targeted and effective treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction begins with an accurate diagnosis.

MAPLe™ High Definition technology enables viewing a patient’s individual pelvic floor muscle EMG activity at a glance, making it possible to provide a more targeted treatment. The patient will have an increased awareness of the muscles that are causing the problem.

MAPLe™ is the first reliable and valid system able to precisely identify muscle activity nearest to the individual muscles on different sides and depths in the pelvic floor allowing an accurate diagnosis. Does the patient have a left / right difference? Is there increased muscle tension deep in the pelvis? MAPLe™ provides a crystal clear view of this!

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    With the introduction of High Definition pelvic physiotherapy, new insights and new diagnosis and treatment methods for pelvic floor dysfunctions will come.

    Pelvic floor Physiotherapy with MAPLe™ can, among others, help with the following syndromes:

    • Stress incontinence
    • Urge incontinence
    • Faecal incontinence
    • Overactive bladder
    • Coccyx pain
    • Prolapse
    • Pain in and around the pelvis
    • Urinary incontinence

    Advantages of using MAPLe™ for a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist:

    • High Definition 24-point measurements for accurate diagnosis and treatment
    • Pure measurements
    • Measure and stimulate all dysfunctions with one probe
    • Easy to operate
    • Freedom of movement
    • Scientifically proven and substantiated
    • MAPLe™ is simple to operate through an iPad with the MAPLe™ app
    • It is easy make a diagnosis and treat the patient with targeted biofeedback and electrostimulation
    • Thanks to the High Definition interface it is possible to see the entire pelvic floor activity at a glance
    • In the app you can compare current measurements to previous visits and measurements, allowing you to monitor the treatment and adjust where necessary
    • Possible to make a comparison with the muscle activity in a healthy pelvic floor
    • Is suitable for rectal and vaginal use.

    One Probe, All Dysfunctions

    MAPLe™ probe is the right choice for all treatments. The probes are single patient use and easy to clean. The slim design of the probe ensures optimal patient comfort yet does not inhibit MAPLe ™ from always being able to take a measurement. With MAPLe™, measurements can be taken in a variety of positions.

    Easily Manoeuvrable

    MAPLe™ is flexible and mobile in terms of use. The compact handheld is connected to the probe by a durable cable and communicates wirelessly to the iPad-app. MAPLe™ is independent from an existing network making the system reliable and safe. The battery’s capacity enables you to work seamlessly throughout the day.

    MAPLe™ In A Nutshell

    • High Definition 24-point measurements for accurate diagnosis and treatment
    • Scientifically proven and substantiated
    • Easy to operate for diagnosis, biofeedback and electrostimulation
    • Targeted, local electrostimulation
    • Easily manoeuvrable with freedom of movement


    Our Physiotherapy Clinic Services

    The West Wimbledon Physiotherapy Clinic aims to provide a selection of services to maintain and enhance health and wellbeing. Although primarily a physiotherapy clinic, a range of other treatments are available.